Letters From Santa

Thanksgiving and Christmas are some of my favorite times of year. When the Tech Monkey and Airborne were little we would get our Advent Calendar and pick out our personal ornaments during November. Then write letters to Santa, and decorate the house for Christmas on the Friday after

Picking an ornament each year is one of my favorite traditions we do. The ornaments are for the boys to take with them when they move away with their own families. Each year they pick something they love and someday they will decorate their own trees with the ornaments they got as children. And they will share the stories they remember of decorating the tree when they were young.

Family traditions are a big part of this time of year. I was contacted by a company that can enhance thewonder of Christmas by getting a letter FROM Santa to your child.  Sealed by Santa has twelve different versions of the letter for you to choose from and each one comes sealed with Santa wax and  is postmarked from the North Pole if you order by December 1st. They also come with two Santa videos and magical Reindeer Food to leave out for Rudolf and the gang. They even have a naughty list video you can use to get someone back on the straight and narrow.

I wish my kids were still little so we could use the letters. I thought those of you who do have little ones might like this so I thought I would share.
