Give The One You Love a BIG SQUEEZE with Coromega 3

We here at the Army are always trying to find ways to eat healthy and be healthier. Airborne is a SUPER picky eater and getting him to eat a veggie is like asking a priest to worship Satan. It just isn't happening. Recently Airborne and I got a dressing down for his eating habits by his doctor. So we decided to try to make the nutrition he needs more palatable.

My go to move was smoothies. Agent Daddy and I love them and we can put fruit and veggies in them to get more nutrition. The Coromega 3 Big squeeze is just what the doctor ordered. It has a ton of Nutrition (see below) and no fishy taste. Airborne loves the smoothies and I love that he is getting the nutrition he needs. In fact the Tech Monkey, who has become a human garbage disposal of late, drank it down mistaking it for Orange Juice. He came and asked me why the orange juice was oily. Two table spoons of this in your smoothie can give you a immunity boost and help you reach you healthy lifestyle goals you made just 3 weeks ago.

Today nutritional science is validating more and more healthful benefits that Omega-3 can have on the mind and body. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are primarily found in fresh, cold-water fish such as mackerel, salmon and sardines. Your body can’t naturally produce Omega-3, so you must get these fatty acids from your diet. Two key fatty acids in Omega-3 are known as EPA and DHA in their long-chain forms, and today
several thousand of clinical and scientific studies show that together these Omega-3 essential fatty acids support:
  • Heart, Brain & Eye health
  • Healthy triglyceride levels
  • Joint health and mobility
  • Mental clarity and balance*
  • Healthy nutrition for children over 4
The body works best when Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are combined in the right proportions. Omega-6 fatty acids are found in foods that contain corn, safflower, sunflower or soybean oils. Human diets used to have a healthy balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3, however things have changed for the worst and now diets are terribly unbalanced. Today researchers estimate that around 80% of the sources of Omega-3 have disappeared from the food sources that make up the western diet. This means that Omega-3 has rapidly become “the lost nutrient” in our diet.
Because there is evidence that people in industrialized nations have this disproportionately high intake of Omega-6 fatty acids, it is suggested that we reduce our intake of Omega-6 and increase our intake of Omega-3. Therefore, daily supplementation with Coromega and reduced intake of Omega-6 fatty acids is a great way to seek a balance, get back the lost nutrient and is one of the most important steps one can take to ensure vibrant and lasting health. Omega-3 is clearly essential to our health, and Coromega is proud to be the innovative pioneer in finding the way to deliver these vital nutrients in the most effective and beneficial way possible.

For more info on the bio availablity and other info go check out .
