Time for a little tough love. For all of us. Maybe you haven't worn a pair of pants with out elastic in 6 months..or 6 years but now is the time to get your FABULOUS back.
When I say that I do not mean you have to starve yourself to be someone else's idea of skinny or beautiful. I mean you have to own where you are right now and slap some make up on that face and dress like it matters. Even if it only matters to you. I too have been stuck in a yoga pant rut for a
while. I would like to call them sweat pants but since I rarely do any actual sweating in them I guess yoga pants will have to do. I get it when you spend 6 years being vomited and peed on it is easy to only want to wear sweats and old ratty tee shirts. But Dang it! You are still a beautiful woman under all that momminess.
Lets make a pact. We are going to wash our hair and put on make up. We are gong to dress like we have to be somewhere other than carpool. When people ask why we are so dressed up we will tell them "Oh this?" and laugh so they will wonder what we are doing besides wiping snotty noses and picking up Legos.
Grown out of all your "good clothes" ? Spent all your money on Christmas? No problem head on over to www.swapdom.com . Swap the clothes you can't won't or don't wear for some new threads from someone else.
And just to show you how serious I am about us all stepping up our game and being more Fabulous, I have gotten several sponsors to give you some great stuff this month. So This month is all about the New Year and the New (old before you had kids ) You.
When I say that I do not mean you have to starve yourself to be someone else's idea of skinny or beautiful. I mean you have to own where you are right now and slap some make up on that face and dress like it matters. Even if it only matters to you. I too have been stuck in a yoga pant rut for a
while. I would like to call them sweat pants but since I rarely do any actual sweating in them I guess yoga pants will have to do. I get it when you spend 6 years being vomited and peed on it is easy to only want to wear sweats and old ratty tee shirts. But Dang it! You are still a beautiful woman under all that momminess.
Lets make a pact. We are going to wash our hair and put on make up. We are gong to dress like we have to be somewhere other than carpool. When people ask why we are so dressed up we will tell them "Oh this?" and laugh so they will wonder what we are doing besides wiping snotty noses and picking up Legos.
Grown out of all your "good clothes" ? Spent all your money on Christmas? No problem head on over to www.swapdom.com . Swap the clothes you can't won't or don't wear for some new threads from someone else.
And just to show you how serious I am about us all stepping up our game and being more Fabulous, I have gotten several sponsors to give you some great stuff this month. So This month is all about the New Year and the New (old before you had kids ) You.
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