Mom Yoga for Stress Busting...Beginners WELCOME

  So the in laws finally left, the dog barfed on your favorite rug, your kids drew on the walls while you were trying to put away all the Christmas stuff. Sounds like a normal day at the ARMY.

Why don't you take a minute for Mommy. Here are some simple poses top help relive stress and make you feel more relaxed. We all want to feel relaxed right? Go ahead try these:

Bridge Pose: Bridge pose provides gentle stretching of the back and legs while relieving stress and tension. It helps reduce anxiety, fatigue, backaches and insomnia. To do bridge pose:

1. Lay flat on your back with feet about hips distance apart.
2. Draw your pelvis up and forward while opening up your chest.
3. Use your fingertips to reach for your heels underneath you. If possible, you can try and clasp your hands underneath you and roll your shoulders in towards one another.

Knees to Chest Pose: This pose stretches your back and releases spinal tension. Since your body is compact, it helps draw your thoughts inward, which helps to calm the mind. To do this pose:
1. Lie on your back with your legs and arms extended.
2. Exhale as you draw both knees to your chest. Clasp your hands around your legs (just below your knees). If possible, you can wrap your forearms over your shins, clasping each elbow with the opposite hand.
3. Keep your back flat on the mat. Release your shoulder blades down toward your waist and open up your chest.
4. Draw your tailbone down toward the mat to lengthen your spine even more.

Reclined Spinal Twist: This supine position releases spinal tension, calms the mind and soothes the nervous
system. It’s a great pose for winding down a yoga class or from a long day. To do this pose:
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat. Extend your arms to the side, keeping your shoulder blades on the floor.
2. As you exhale, drop your knees to the left as you gently turn your head to the right. Keep pressing your shoulder blades towards the floor and away from your ears allowing gravity to drop your knees even closer to the floor.

You are welcome.
