Nourage Nurish Your Hair

I few months back I attended the Pamper Me Fabulous Event in Huntington Beach. If you have never been to one of these events you should totally go. I had the opportunity there to try all sorts of new products and meet so many interesting people.

I even got to meet Kyle Richards of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Now love her or hate her you have to admit her hair is stunning. In person even more so. She was there to talk about Nourage. A product she has
been using on her hair for years.

I don't often talk about it but four years ago I had a tumor on my kidney and I had to have my right kidney removed. I lost my hair for the stress. Not all of it but just big clumps in different places. I was so self conscience. After that experience I became more interested in healthy eating  and living. But boy did I want to know how Kyle got her hair to be so beautiful. Kyle shared that she too had had periods of hair loss and had been self conscience. She began using this product, its a pill you take twice a day, and now her hair is AMAZING.

I also met one of the owners of the company at the event and I asked about how this worked and if it was processed through the kidney. This was their response: The active ingredient in Nourage is Keratin.  Keratin is a protein, made up of amino acids, which are primarily broken down in the stomach.  Of course it then passes through the intestines as part of the digestion process, and is filtered by the kidneys, however, it is no different than other proteins processed by your body.  There are currently no additional vitamins in the product which may be processed differently.  However, we recommend that for anyone who has health concerns, it is always a good idea to discuss your concerns with your Dr. before taking any new supplement.

I was super excited so I began using the product. What do you think? Is it working?
