Amazing Comfort and Fit with Vionic

I walk about 3.5 miles Mon-Thurs. I love my morning walks. I love getting out in nature with or with out my girlfriends and just enjoying time of my own. This year I am making an effort to re discover myself. I am making time for me with out guilt and letting my boys do more for them selves. Part of being Mom now instead of being mommy.

It is still really important to me that I stay healthy. Another benefit of my morning walks. But I have suffered with high arches and shoes that didn't give me the proper support for years. I actually have very expensive orthotics that go in my athletic shoes and special ones for high heals. They are not comfortable but
they make me able to stand and walk for longer with out back and hip pain. So I wore them. I was not even really aware that I had a choice.

Then  one morning I was watching Home Shopping and here was a new shoe called Vionic that had a thing called the orthaheel built in. And they didn't just have athletic shoes, they had sandals and cute casual shoes and SEQUINS! You know how I love to sparkle. All with the built in orthaheel technology. It gets better folks. If you don't like their shoes you can buy a slip in orthaheel for your favorite shoes.

So by now I was getting really excited but of course Agent Daddy askes " What if you don't like them once you get them? What if the orthaheel doesn't work?" Well thank God for Home Shopping because I can ship it right back and get a refund. So I get a pair of Vionics on my feet and guess what? they are better than I imagined. The very first thing I noticed was that when I stood up my body re aligned itself. Now I had been wearing orthics remember. I was really surprised that my center of gravity was noticeably different in these shoes.

Better than even that...These shoes are SUPER comfortable.  I go for my walks, I run to the store, and be a super mom all in my new Vionics. I am in love. But the real test came when I stubbed my middle toe really badly. In fact my toe turned black from the bruising. It was swollen and sore but not broken. I had the Natrual Foods Expo West to go to and I had a black toe. How was I going to walk all over the show with my foot hurting so badly? Well I did walk all over the show and my Vioics made my feet not hurt so much. I was worn out that night when I got home but the Vionics saved the day.

I like these so much I got a pair for Agent Daddy. He loves them too.
