I got My Scoopie. Do you Have Yours?

When I was at the natural Foods Show Expo West, I ran into Jarred Allen CEO of The Scoopie and was so impressed with this product. Like so many things that catch my eye this is one of those products that I think "Wow why didn't we have this before?"

The Scoopie is a scoop that combines itself with a funnel so youc an easily add your favorite powders or formulas to a water bottle, baby bottle or any other bottle you carry with you during the day. The
Scoopie comes in several sizes based on the measurement you want to use and can be sealed shut once it is full. Jarred is a smart guy and he has been talking to all the power people about replacing their scoops with scoopies to make things easier for the consumer. the first thing I thought of was baby formula. When my Monkies were little and I was juggling a diaper bag a toddler and an infant while trying to get formula into a bottle it was often an exercise in dealing with failure.

If your formula or powdered drink mix doesn't already come with a scoopie you can order one for yourself by going to http://thescoopie.com/.
