Mundaka in Carmel

I have become a Foodie. I am not sure the exact moment when that happened, I just know that I have become one. It could be my girlfriend Gary exposing me to really good food, it could be that when you stop eating processed food then only real whole food begins to taste good and everything else has the after taste of cardboard. What ever the reason I am now aware that it has happened.

Now that I have realized that I am a foodie I can celebrate in the joy of discovering great food that teases the palate and blows your mind with the taste mamba going on in your mouth. Mundaka did not disappoint.

Mundaka, snuggled into a court yard that you could easily miss if you were not paying attention, is a culinary delight not to be missed. Agent Daddy and I were fortunate to meet the chef and I always ask the chef what his favorite is. I realize that is kinda like asking a parent which child is his favorite but I do it anyway. First words out of Chef Brandon Millers mouth were "You have to try the asparagus." He then backed up  and said that he is always changing up the menu so there are no duds on it. I had succeeded in getting my answer, I had to try the asparagus. Then our amazing waiter showed up and proceeded to tell me that the Lamb burgers were insane. So I knew we would be adding those to our tab as well.

We studied the menu and discovered the Croquetas, Serrano ham, horseradish and bechamel. We added
that to our order and topped it off with some sangria.

The waiter entertained us and served us and frankly is one of the best parts of our meal.  I must say the the Croquetas were sheer genius. They were light and creamy and surprisingly perfect. I was not sure I would like the horseradish but Agent Daddy loves the stuff. It was perfect. The horseradish is the perfect after bite to the creaminess of the bechamel.

The asparagus, the favorite child, were amazing as well. I told Agent Daddy that I may have been ruined for all other asparagus from now on. The romesco was a flavor gift that was bestowed on my mouth and received with joy. Even Agent Daddy was trying to sop it up with the asparagus.

Next we were served the "insane" lamb burgers. All I can say is that if you order them, don't share. They are too good to miss and if you have to share you just might find yourself in a knife fight over them. They are that good.

We were stuffed but Agent Daddy had to order dessert. I am not sure how I managed to take another bite but I was so glad I did. What made me so happy you might ask, It was the ginger bread. Not the nasty hard ginger bread you see at Christmas but perfect soft European cake like bread that makes my  mouth water just thinking of it.

If you are within 100 miles of Carmel you gotta get in your car and go try this place. Your no: antibiotic, hormone pesticide, high fructose corn syrup, artificial color, artificial flavor, processed, heart will thank you. Oh yeah and all the food is fresh local, organic, bio dynamic, free range, line caught, sustainable, fair trade, homemade from scratch goodness.
