It Does Not Count

 It seems to me that I need to CALRIFY what counts and what does not count as doing something. The Tech Monkey and Airborne have seemed to lost track of the real meaning of stuff so here goes mom rant #275

If you have not got your pants zipped, your shoes on, and your lunch made, it DOES NOT COUNT as being ready to leave for school.

If you grab a pop tart on the way out the front door, it DOES NOT COUNT as making your lunch.
If you watched me make dinner, it DOES NOT COUNT as helping mom make dinner.

If you put four plates on the table with no silver ware no napkins and no glasses, it DOES NOT Count as setting the table.

If you rinse one dish, put it in the dish washer leaving a sink full of dishes and don't START the dish washer, it DOES NOT COUNT as washing the dishes.

 If you eat a four course meal in the middle of the night it DOES NOT COUNT as a midnight snack.( Seriously clean up after yourself Techie)

If you fill the bathtub with hot water, leave it there for 4 hours then drain the tub, it DOES NOT COUNT as cleaning the tub.

If it does not involve soap on your body it DOES NOT COUNT as bathing.

If you take a shower in the evening and put on a shirt to go to bed, it DOES NOT COUNT as still clean and appropriate to wear to church.

If you drink my ENTIRE glass of water leaving the glass completely empty and walk away, it DOES NOT count as "sharing" with me.

If you put an item of clothing, that has been on the floor of your room for a week, in the dryer or spray it with Fabreeze, it DOES NOT COUNT as doing your laundry. Warm does not equal clean.

If you strangle, smother, or in any other way constrict the ability to breath of another person, it DOES NOT COUNT as a "hug".

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  1. LOL! I love this rant. I'm going to pass all this information on to my kids!


    1. Feel free to post it on your refrigerator, then everyone will see it.

  2. Oh I hope your kids read this

    1. My kids hear this....many times a day. I think they may have Alzheimers.

  3. So funny! I can totally relate to the water. I swear I put something down, turn around, and its GONE.

    1. Isn't it just so FUN to "share" with your kids. I would die of thrisrt if it was up to them. LOL

  4. LOL! This is really funny! What? Pop tarts are not meals? lol!

  5. This is great! You have such a way with words. I especially like, "Warm does not equal clean."

    1. Thanks. I am glad to knwo that someone likes what I say. The kids sure don't.

  6. This is fabulous, love it. I love the definition of a bath one the best-Amen!

    1. You must have boys too. I do not know how they think they can be clean with out soap.

  7. I totally love this as much as just because you took the laundry to the basement doesn't mean you did the laundry!!

    1. I am with you sister. If you put your clothes in the laundry baske it DOES NOT COUNT as doing the laundry!

  8. Ha Ha! I think they should be clear on everything now!

  9. LOL.. oh the life of a mother. My daughter is still too little for any of those. But I wish I could tell her "It does not count when you grab the clean laundry and throw it on the floor as helping mommy fold the clothes!"


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