Benefits of Eating at the Dinner Table as a Family

When you think back to your childhood there probably were not many occasions when you didn't sit down at the dinner table to eat. Sure, there were times when one parent was stuck at work, and you likely had some nights when you would all eat pizza while watching a good movie. However, these were special occasions, not part of your everyday routine.

Today, most families consider it a special event to actually sit down together to enjoy a meal at the dining room table. Teenagers grab a few bites before running out the door to study with friends or attend play practice. Little ones are used to grabbing a comfy spot on the floor to watch cartoons and parents are content to eat on a TV tray. I'm not saying that you should eat every meal at the table, but there are some definite benefits to doing it a little more often than only on holidays.


  • Healthier Food Choices - As a busy parent, it is easy to get in the habit of throwing a frozen pizza or Hot Pocket in the oven. It is fast, convenient, and easy to eat on a paper plate. However, when you prepare meals to eat at the table you are more likely to include veggies and take the time to make everyone a salad.

  • More Appropriate Portions - It is common to overeat, when your mind is preoccupied with the television, Internet, or a phone call. When you sit at the table to eat, you are more aware of what you are putting in your mouth, and you are more likely to pay attention to the signals coming from the brain that you are full. This holds true for adults and children. Child obesity is a growing concern. It is suggested that 33 percent of children are overweight, which increases their risk for a number of health issues.

  • Manners - When you dine at a restaurant or go to a friend's house to eat are you embarrassed by the way your kids act? It's not their fault they put elbows on the table or talk with their mouth full. They aren't practicing proper manners at home enough for them to be second nature.

  • Improved Communication - Family dinners give you the rare opportunity to catch up with your children. This is the time to talk about school, friends, activities, etc. If your kids say "fine" every time you ask how their day was or reply "nothing" when you inquire about what they learned in school, there is a problem with communication. Maybe they want to talk to you, but just feel awkward because the lines of communication have not been consistently open.

Create the Right Environment

A great way to get everyone excited about dinner is to create an environment that they look forward to being in. Set a full table and make creative centerpieces. These can be anything from fresh cut flowers to a bowl of lemons to a small painted rock garden. Little ones can even create centerpieces. Comfortable lighting is important, and you may want to consider a recessed wall bio ethanol fireplace to create a cozy ambiance. Online stores like  offer  great selections.

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