What if You could have a 90 day Transformation in 10 Days?

 My cousin is a trainer. He calls me up the other day and says " Hey Cuz, What would you say to a 90 day transformation in just 10 days?'

I was like " Are you smoking weed?"

He says " I know you are all into organic whole real foods and you are a wanting to be healthy and loose some weight. What if I told you I could get you 90 day results in 10 days?" He is a brave man mentioning weight loss to a woman. But he had my interest.

"This isn't some cabbage diet or working out with you for 8 hours a day is it? Because I have to drive carpool and write the blog and stuff."

"No," he says " I wouldn't do that to you. I have a vegan 10 cleanse that will rid you of toxins and make you feel great. And I will give you $50 to try it."

"Dude! You are singing my song. What do I have to do?"

"Just go to http://mypuriumgift.com put in your name and email and the code ilove2sparkle. Follow the prompts you can join the company or just be a customer and try it out. All you bring is the water." he says. Then he sends me this video of people who have done this challenge.

If you would like to know more text PURIUM to 55678.

If you want help or have questions you can leave a message here or DM me @armyofmoms on twitter.

Well this was pretty exciting so I am doing this challenge from 7/14-724 and I am inviting you all to join me.

Use the code Ilove2sparkle and get your $50 towards the challenge.

Two days on the cleanse and I have lost 6 pounds. Can't wait to see how much I lose in 10 DAYS!
 days on the Cleanse and I am down 11.8 pounds! Stay tuned for the before and after pictures to come.

13.4 pounds and 10 inches in 10 DAYS!!!!

This is my real before and after. It may not seem like much to your but to me it is a MIRACLE!
Oh an my Cholesterol which was over 230 is now 178. No medication just this miracle cleanse.
My triglycerides were 231 they are now 115! Again that is without medication.

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  1. Seriously Michelle, this is a huge difference. Do you feel good, no drowsiness? What has been your exercise regiment. Tell me, please!

    1. Naila, unlike other cleanses I have done, I have so much energy. And my exercise regimen was I went one time to a yoga class in the whole 10 days. this works like nothing I have ever tried before. Imagin losing 5-20 pounds before Labor Day...It is possible with the 10 day Transformation cleanse.


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