The Wonder of Area Codes

The other day I took the boys down and got them cell phones. The Skunk Ape will be in Junior High and I wan them both to be able to call me if they need to leave school of if we have an Earthquake etc. I know that I am being WAY too over protective, I mean really we never had cell phones, when we were little. We just begged strangers to use their home phones when we needed a ride.  Okay maybe I am not being too over protective.
When we get home the Skunk Ape takes my phone and begins to program the telephone numbers of people he knows into his phone. I figured ther was no problem until a few days later when he wanted to call his Grandma. He pull s out his phone and dials the number for Grandma. Except that in my phone Grandma is MY Grandma in Florida. Not his Grandma, my mom in California. So he make the call and the conversations goes something like this.
Person answering the call " Hello?"
Skunk Ape " Is this my Grandma?"
Person answering the call " Who is this?"
Skunk Ape " This is Johsua..."
"Hi Josh this is your Aunt Carole, can I talk to your Mom?"
Skunk Ape " Mom there is some lady named Carole on the telephone she wants to talk to you."
I get on the phone and my Aunt Carole says to me " Does Josh wan to talk to your Grandma?" She is concerned because my Grandma is 90 and had dementia. She doesn't know who I am so Carole is wondering what Josh could possible wan to ask her. " NO I say. He called the number in my phone for Grandma he assumed that would be his Grandma. I think now would be a good time to teach him about area codes."  We had a good laugh and caught up a little. It was a happy accident. And now Josh knows that the number for mom in my phone is not so I can call  myself and Grandma means MY GRANDMA.

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  1. Ha Ha! That is funny. My year and a half year old granddaughter speed dialed my doctor and auto texted him, despite the locked feature on my phone! Thankfully it wasn't a cell number and didn't go through!

    Following you from VoiceBoks!~Lisa
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  2. Very funny! We were just talking at our house how difficult the whole grandma, mom, dad, grandpa thing is for little kids!

    Great story!

    Stopping by from voiceBoks!
    Have a great week!

  3. Precious! A neighbor's mom had dementia and when a telemarketer called one day she said: "No, we don't want any - what we need are new brains. Do you have any new brains you can sell me??"
    Anna from VB - so glad to have found you!

  4. Ha ha! Laughing so hard. You write well with humor and that makes me and a lot of other folks happy! Would love to have a funny guest post on pregnancy, parenting, or similar medically-oriented topic for medtopicwriter.

    Samantha from vB

  5. This is children have lost count of all their "lolo's" and "lola's" because as you may know, everyone old can and will most likely be your grandma/grandpa in our culture...

  6. That's just too darn funny! LOL!

    I recently got my daughter Drama a cell phone and she did something similar and when my husband was given my son's old iPhone, he called wrong numbers for a week or two.

    Love how you always make me laugh!


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